Complex processes have been simplified and collaboration happens in real-time with Bluebeam® Revu®. It’s been assisting project teams from kickoff to handoff, in the office or in the field – keeping everyone on the same page. This technology unites so many different roles over a project’s lifecycle, but today we are taking a look at how it benefits the engineer.
As an engineer, you want to maintain the data integrity from project start to finish. Revu’s advanced markup and collaboration capabilities make it an essential communication tool for doing just that.
Here are four workflows you can capitalize on as an engineer with Revu:
Real-time communication, collaboration and feedback – make sure these qualities speak to your project team’s arsenal today by giving Revu a try. Download your free, 30-day trial here.
If you have Revu but could use additional training, let us know here.
Bluebeam, Bluebeam Revu and Revu are registered trademarks of Bluebeam, Inc., used under license.