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Current Issue*:

When attempting to launch AutoCAD 2017 for the first time the application opens to the drawing editor and displays a “License Error” message, “The License manager is not functioning or is improperly installed. AutoCAD will shut down now.” Clicking OK, closes the application.


LGS.data file is corrupt or failed to install


Current Solution*:

  1. Using Windows Explorer, browse to the following folder, if the folder does not exist then please create it: “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\<Product_Key>_2017.0.0.F”
  2. Delete the “LGS.data” file, if it exists
  3. Using Notepad (or preferred text editor) create a new text file called “LGS.data”
  4. Add the verbiage “_STANDALONE” (without quotes)
  5. Save the file to the “C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\CLM\LGS\<Product_Key>_2017.0.0.F” folder
  6. Launch AutoCAD

*Product Managers are aware of this current issue and will be releasing an updated install file.