In this Click Saver article, I want to show how easy it can be to create linetypes in AutoCAD. Creating linetypes in AutoCAD can be faster than what most people originally think. A few releases back, Autodesk added an Express Tool in AutoCAD that can create a linetype from lines and “Dtext.” That’s right! I said “Dtext,” not “Mtext”. I can see everyone out their rolling their eyes, but understand this saves a huge amount of pick and clicks.
Autocad Dtext
To start, you must draw the geometry to how would like it to look. Remember, if you want to include text, make sure you are using the “Dtext” command not “Mtext”. If you use mtext, the linetype tool will not let you select the text. By the way, you can add symbols like I did (see, the circle with a dot in the middle). In order to do this, you must copy and paste the symbol from mtext or Microsoft Word. I typically try and draw these at a one-to-one scale, so when I use the LTSCALE/PSLTSCALE it looks correct.
It is important to note that you must have the Express Tools loaded for this to work. Type “mkltype” or under Express Tools Tab, select the Tools flyout and choose “Make Linetype”.
Express tools tab
Now it will ask for a .lin file so that your linetype can be saved; you can create own linetype file (highly recommended) or use an existing linetype file. You can add multiple custom linetypes using this tool to the same .lin file so that it will append the new ones and not overwrite your previous work.
Next the command will ask for:
1. Linetype Name
2. Linetype Description
3. Starting Point for Line definition
4. Ending Point for Line Definition
5. Select Objects that make up your linetype
I remember, back in the day, when this wasn’t so easy. Now, make a layer and assign your newly created linetype to it. If you ever need one of your custom linetypes in another drawing, just type in “linetype” and select the “Load” button.